Khema Restaurant

How you master the simple things will often define how great you are. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet it is often under-appreciated compared to other, supposedly grander, mealtimes. We don’t think this should be the case, which is why we strive to make Khéma breakfasts worth talking about. You may have heard of Khéma’s famous Free-Flow Breakfast — check it out here — and now we’ve added a simpler, simply delicious yet exceptionally good value option too.

With Khéma’s new Breakfast Set Menu we’ve combined flavour and value so you can now enjoy a fresh croissant and a hearty Kuy Teav Phnom Penh or Eggs Benedict together with a freshly squeezed orange juice and black coffee for just $7.50 net.

For breakfasts worth talking about, go to Khéma.