Khema Restaurant

On March 21, the world is coming together for Gout de France / Good France, an annual event organised by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the legendary chef Alain Ducasse that brings together more than 3,000 restaurants in 150 countries in a global celebration of French gastronomy and companionship.

Khéma is playing its part with a special Gout de France Menu for the evening that starts off with a light, bright ceviche before taking up with deliciously earthy flavours. And at Khéma Pasteur the evening will have an extra special touch thanks to our star guest, Mr Patrick Marchand of Frères Marchand, who will be on hand to guide guests through the Cheese Degustation selected from their vast repertoire of the best of French cheeses.

Gout de France is inspired by the legendary chef Auguste Escoffier who launched the “Dîners d’Épicure” (Epicurean Dinners) in 1921, serving the same menu on the same day in several cities in order to attract as many diners as possible. With Gout de France, that fraternity through food is extended to the world.

In the words of Alain Ducasse, “The common point of this event is generosity, sharing and the love of what is beautiful and tastes good. It will be a delightful interlude and an opportunity to celebrate French cuisine worldwide.”

Cold Course
Ceviche de poisson
Fish ceviche


Hot Course
Escargot en croûte
Baked escargot topped with a puff pastry lid


Cappuccino de champignons
Creamy mushroom cappuccino


Main Course
Cuisse de poulet farcie servie avec des tagliatelles
maison et sauce du Périgord
Stuffed chicken thigh with house-made tagliatelle and Périgord sauce


Plateau de fromages
Cheese degustation


Tarte banoffee
Banoffee pie

The price for this evening’s menu is $29.90++. For bookings, follow this direct link.

All prices are in US dollars and subject to 7% service charge and 10% government tax.