BlogMr Boubier’s Butter

Rue de Mont Blanc, Geneva For the past 92 years, a charming little Cafe at #26, Rue de…

BlogLa Chandeleur

"…sprinkled with sugar and eaten hot, they form an exquisite dish. They have a golden hue and are…

BlogCharcuterie Chic

There is nothing quite like an extensive charcuterie board, resplendent with all the trimmings and accompanied by a…

BlogChristmas at Khéma: Feel Merry!

Served exclusively from 6PM December 24th: Christmas is all about spending time with friends and family. Let us…

BlogLe Réveillon de Noël

In France, the main Christmas meal is a gracious and arranged affair held on Christmas Eve. The meal…

BlogGalette des Rois

“The revolution like Saturn devours its own children” Georg Büchner Saturnalia In Ancient Rome, Saturn was a mythological…

BlogLet’s burn the Yule Log

The celebration of Yule is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. The Ancient were hunters,…

BlogAn Artisan Bakery

An Artisan /ˈɑːrtəzn/ (formal), (from French: artisan, Italian: artigiano) is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates…
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