Khema Restaurant

A delicious combination of puff pastry and almond cream, la Galette des Rois occupies a special place in French hearts (and tummies). 

On January 6th, according to Western traditions, Epiphany celebrates the day on which God revealed himself manifested through his son Jesus Christ to three Wise Men (the Magi) who, guided by a star that arose on Jesus’ birth, came to honour the Son of God and present gifts of gold, frankincense (an aromatic resin), and mhyrr (a rare perfume). 

Some might suggest that if the Wise Men had been women, they wouldn’t have taken quite so long to find him, although to be fair the Bible doesn’t really say how much time actually passed between the date of Jesus’ birth and the arrival of the Magi. But January 6 is the day on which Epiphany is celebrated in France, though different countries have different days for this important moment in the Christian calendar. 

Uniquely in France, since the 14th century the day has been celebrated with the Galette des Rois (Kings’ Cake). But while it may be utterly delicious, we would advise a little restraint. Hidden in between the layers of pastry and almonds is a special gift which allows the finder to be declared King and Queen for the day, whose every wish must be granted. 

You’ll find our own version available now at Khéma from $10+.