Khema Restaurant

Whatever one’s religious views, for those who celebrate it Christmas has always been about affirming the bonds that make us who we are. It is a moment when, consciously or not, we go back to our roots a little to nurture them with the company of those who are important to us. It’s very often a time to reflect and share on the year just gone and it’s no accident that Charles Dickens chose Christmas as the moment when Ebenezer Scrooge, the anti-hero of A Christmas Carol, is forced to acknowledge his past, paving the way for his transformation into a better person.  

Of course, while a gathering of friends, family and colleagues might be described as the main dish, the sauce that brings the harmony comes in the food and drink that you share with them. And there is nothing so fine as what you’ll find at Khéma, which we’ve put together into hampers for sharing or giving to show your appreciation for those who mean the most, whether it’s your business partner, your spouse or an old friend. 

With prices ranging from $50 to $120, and filled with some of our favourite goodies including HobNob wines, the finest charcuterie and cheeses, sweets and other delicacies, the biggest challenge will be letting go of the handle once you decide to give one of these magnificent treats away. 

You’ll also find plenty of other seasonal offerings, including smaller gift packages, Christmas logs and plenty more to choose from. 

As part of our Christmas gift to you, we’ll also be offering some special dishes on 24th and 25th December created by Michelin-starred Chef Christian Peyre, who visited us at Topaz in November. You’ll find spectacular specialties such as guinea fowl supreme with confit of lemon and thyme, or sautéed scallops with buttered leek and Vaucluse truffle cannelloni, and plenty more to fill you up with all the Christmas joy you deserve. Menu start at 65 USD NET per person. Bookings recommended at or +855 (0)15 823 888.